A diary of a modern day insomniac.

My opinion on everything I want to have an opinion on.

10 November 2010

Worst movie I've seen is...?

Well it is tough to definetively say "this is the worst movie I have ever seen", but if you are like me one film will stand above the rest of the crown ewhen thinking about it. That's not to say that it is surely the worst of the worse, but that it was so awful that its ridiculousness stuck with you all this time.

I'm ashamed to admit that I even saw this movie, even if I didn't know what to expect (but I kind of did) going in. Inspector Gadget...even after...what?...10 years?...it still surprises me just how bad I found the film. I made a promise to myself at the end of watching it...if it will still be my worst movie in 10 years I have to see it again, so that I can check if it is really that crappy. Guess I've got to keep my word; just don't know if I can endure it again...time will tell...will report when the day comes :)

What is the worst movie you have ever seen?

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