A diary of a modern day insomniac.

My opinion on everything I want to have an opinion on.

8 November 2010

Welcome, my fellow insomniacs

Hi. I want to tell you a little about me. I come from a little country called Slovenia (for those that are better at Geography, it is the country between Italy, Austria, Hungary and Croatia), which is a beautiful country, if you are into that sort of things, but the people...well I guess we are OK, just don't confuse us with the Slovaks.

Currently I work as an English teacher, but my real passion is music. I started this blog not because of my need for attention (my mother might not agree), but because I wanted to start a diary, but I couldn't be bothered with writing on paper (I do that too much at work already...trying to save the environment here).

With my friends always asking me about new music, games, TV shows or movies to recommend (yes, unfortunately, I'm that guy) I decided to devote this blog to a topic that many may find less than intriguing, but I know there are a lot of people out there that may just find what they were looking for.

So, everyone is welcome to read it and maybe find something good for a rainy afternoon or a sleepless night. If not, you are welcome anyway.

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